В статье представлен анализ данных о логистическом,медико-техническом и кадровом обеспечении мероприя-тий по проведению дополнительной диспансеризации.Ключевые слова: национальный проект, диспансеризация.Logistic and technical equipment’s support of additional periodicobservation and examination of the population within the frameworkof the priority national project “Health”K.G. Gurevich1, N.V. Kosik21Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow2Educational center of Federal Service on Surveillance inHealthcare and Social Development Sphere, MoscowSummaryIn the article the data analysis about the logistic, medicaltechnicaland human medical resources for management ofadditional periodic observation and examination within theframework of the priority national project “Health is represented.The keywords: national project, periodic observation andexamination.