S. S. Paunova
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
N. V. Labutina
M. N. Zubavina
S. H. Kurbanova
I. N. Lavrentieva
Yu. I. Semina
A. S. Dvornikov
A. A. Stepanov
A. M. Orbu
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autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Kawasaki disease

How to Cite

Paunova S. S., Labutina N. V., Zubavina M. N., Kurbanova S. H., Lavrentieva I. N., Semina Y. I., Dvornikov A. S., Stepanov A. A., Orbu A. M. INFECTION OF THE URINARY TRACT SYSTEM: WHAT IS HIDDEN UNDER THE MASK OF ILLNESS // Kremlin Medicine Journal. 2023. VOL. № 4. С. 88-92.
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Infection of the urinary system (UTI) is one of the most common diseases in pediatric practice. The development of the disease is possible in newborns. However, despite the sufficient certainty and study of the clinical manifestations of urinary system infection in children of different ages, there are situations when the most unexpected nosological problems may be hidden under the mask of a guiding diagnosis of UTI. The purpose of this publication is to demonstrate the case histories of several patients with a guiding diagnosis of UTI, who subsequently had severe immune-mediated diseases that required serious pathogenetic treatment in specialized departments. Pediatricians need to examine patients with general infectious toxicosis, minimal urinary syndrome, and other clinical and laboratory changes in more detail, at first glance similar to those in UTI, but not so convincing for making this diagnosis.
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