E. V. Zavaleva
Federal Research and Clinical Center for Children and Adolescents, FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russia
A. A. Andruzskaya
Federal Research and Clinical Center for Children and Adolescents, FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russia
V. I. Zavalev
LLC “Corporation “Project-Tekhnika“, Moscow, Russia
S. S. Shuvalov
Department of Healthcare of Oryol region, Oryol, Russia
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medical personnel
calculation methods
automated systems

How to Cite

Zavaleva E. V., Andruzskaya A. A., Zavalev V. I., Shuvalov S. S. HUMAN RESOURCES AS ONE OF THE COMPONENTS OF MANAGEMENT DECISION-MAKING SYSTEM // Kremlin Medicine Journal. 2023. VOL. № 4. С. 60-64.
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Human resources in health care are one of the main components in ensuring the quality, accessibility and timeliness of medical care. The automated method of making managerial decisions (hereinafter referred to as AMMMD) will allow healthcare managers at various levels to identify problematic moments in the organization of medical care online, build a plan of corrective measures depending on the importance of the criterion/component and ease of execution.The AMMMD personnel component model provides for integration with the subsystems of the Unified State Information System in the field of healthcare and the formation of signal information on human resources based on their proper number, calculated in accordance with current methods, and the actual state.
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