Leading functional components and clinical relevance of thoracic pain syndromes and painless thoracic dysfunctions
A. S. Vasilev
Central State Medical Academy of Department of Presidential Affairs, Moscow, Russia
V. I. Shmyrev
V. V. Vasileva
G. A. Vasileva
E. N. Oleinikova
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How to Cite

Vasilev A. S., Shmyrev V. I., Vasileva V. V., Vasileva G. A., Oleinikova E. N. Leading functional components and clinical relevance of thoracic pain syndromes and painless thoracic dysfunctions // Kremlin Medicine Journal. 2018. VOL. № 3. С. 71-79.
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This article represents a lecture of generalized experience studying influence of thoracic pain syndromes and painless thoracic dysfunctions in patients with various pathology. The leading pathogenetic and functional components are described. Their role, clinical value and influence on respiratory function of a thorax, functioning cardiovascular, nervous and other systems of an organism and questions of diagnostics are shown
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