Use of ustekinumab in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
L.S. Kruglova
Central State Medical Academy of Department of Presidential Affairs, Moscow, Russia, Central Clinical Hospital with Outpatient Сlinic of Department of Presidential Affairs, Moscow, Russia
A. A. Khotko
Clinical dermatovenerologic dispensary of the Ministry of healthcare of Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Russia
M.A. Koroleva
Central Clinical Hospital with Outpatient Сlinic of Department of Presidential Affairs, Moscow, Russia
M. I. Glusman
Clinical dermatovenerologic dispensary of the Ministry of healthcare of Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Russia


psoriatic arthritis

How to Cite

Kruglova L., Khotko A. A., Koroleva M., Glusman M. I. Use of ustekinumab in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis // Kremlin Medicine Journal. 2018. VOL. № 1. С. 108-113.


Relevance. Currently, guidelines concerning the tactics of managing patients with psoriasis recommend us to conduct an active  diagnostic search of early signs of PsA when examining each patient. If PsA is already diagnosed, the choice of therapeutic measures  is based on the ability to influence not only the skin symptoms, but also the joint symptom. Material and methods. Under supervision  were 10 patients with diagnosed psoriasis of smooth skin and psoriatic arthritis. After the examination in accordance with clinical  recommendations, the patient was assigned a genetic engineering drug ustekinumab at a dose of 90 mg, the second injection was  carried out 4 weeks after the first, then every 12 weeks. Results and discussion. The therapy with ustekinumab 6 months after  initiation allows achieving PASI75 in 100% of bionic patients, while the number of patients with PASI 90 and PASI 100 was 80 and  50%, respectively. The use of ustekinumab positively influences the clinical symptoms of psoriatic arthritis: there was a decrease in pain  (the number of painful joints) after 6 months by 67% and a decrease in the activity of PsA (the number of inflamed joints) was 64%.


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