Циркулярная резекция слизисто-подслизистого слоя нижнеампулярного отдела прямой кишки при хроническом геморрое
К.В. Лощинин
А.С. Карамышев

Ключевые слова

хирургическое лечение

Как цитировать

Лощинин К., Карамышев А. Циркулярная резекция слизисто-подслизистого слоя нижнеампулярного отдела прямой кишки при хроническом геморрое // Кремлевская медицина. Клинический вестник. 2014. Т. № 2. С. 89-92.


Представлен опыт лечения геморроя 2–4 стадий у 123пациентов с помощью циркулярной резекции слизисто-подслизистого слоя нижнеампулярного отдела прямойкишки по методу Лонго.Ключевые слова: геморрой, хирургическое лечение.Stapled hemorrhoidopexy in the hemorrhoidal diseaseK.V. Loshinin, A.S. Karamishev«Сlinical hospital» of the Department of affairs managementof President of Russian Federation, MoscowSummaryIntroduction: Since its introduction as a new procedure for thesurgical management of hemorrhoidal disease in 1993, stapledhemorrhoidopexy has become increasingly popular.Methods: This study was designed to review the results ofcircular stapled hemorrhoidopexy Preoperative, intraoperative,and postoperative patient characteristics were evaluated. Themedical records of 123 patients who had undergone circularstapled hemorrhoidopexy for symptomatic hemorrhoidal diseasefrom 2001 to 2008 were evaluated. The study included 72 menand 51 women between 25 and 79 years old (median age 47,8years). Overall complication rate was 11,3 percent. Complicationsincluded rectal bleeding (2.4%), urinary retention (4,1%),thrombosed external hemorrhoids (4,8%). Narcotic don’t use afterstapled hemorrhoidopexy. The median hospital stay was 5,9 days.Conclusion: Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is a safe technique forthe treatment of hemorrhoids.Key words: haemorrhoidal disease, the surgical treatment.


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